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Showing 34 featured editions. View all 34 editions?
1800, by Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, Faust's Statue, no. 45, Newbury Street. Sold, wholesale and retail, at their bookstore; by said Thomas, at his bookstore in Worcester; by Thomas, Andrews & Penniman, in Albany; and by Thomas, Andrews & Butler, in Baltimore.
Microform на английский язык - Thomas & Andrews' sixth edition. With many corrections and improvements, by the author
1800, Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. Microform на английский язык - The sixth Connecticut edition 1798, Printed by Robert Wilson, for Evert Duyckinck, & Co., booksellers and stationers на английский язык 1798, Printed by Robert Wilson, for Evert Duyckinck, & Co. Booksellers and stationers. Electronic resource на английский язык1797, by Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, Faust's Statue, no. 45, Newbury Street. Sold, wholesale and retail, at their bookstore; by said Thomas, at his bookstore in Worcester; by Thomas, Andrews & Penniman, in Albany; and by Thomas, Andrews & Butler, in Baltimore.
Microform на английский язык - Thomas and Andrews' fifth edition. With many corrections and improvements, by the author
1796, by Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, Faust's Statue, no. 45, Newbury Street, sold, wholesale and retail, at their bookstore; by said Thomas, at his bookstore in Worcester; by Thomas, Andrews & Butler, in Baltimore; and by Thomas, Andrews & Penniman, in Albany.
Microform на английский язык - Thomas and Andrews' fourth edition. With many corrections and improvements, by the author
1796, Printed by Charles R. & George Webster, and sold at their bookstore . на английский язык 1796, Printed by Hudson & Goodwin на английский язык - The fifth Connecticut edition.1794, by Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, Faust's Statue, no. 45, Newbury Street, sold, wholesale and retail, at their bookstore; by said Thomas at his bookstore in Worcester, and by the booksellers in town and country.
Electronic resource на английский язык - Thomas and Andrews' third edition. With many corrections and improvements, by the author
1794, by Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, Faust's Statue, no. 45, Newbury Street, sold, wholesale and retail, at their bookstore; by said Thomas at his bookstore in Worcester, and by the booksellers in town and country
Microform на английский язык - Thomas and Andrews' third edition. With many corrections and improvements, by the author.
1792, by Hudson and Goodwin. Microform на английский язык - The third Connecticut edition1792, by Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, at Faust's Statue, no. 45, Newbury Street. Sold, wholesale and retail, at their bookstore; by said Thomas at his bookstore in Worcester, and by the booksellers in town and country.
Microform на английский язык - Thomas and Andrews's second edition. With many corrections and improvements, by the author.
1792, by Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, at Faust's Statue, no. 45, Newbury Street. Sold, wholesale and retail, at their bookstore; by said Thomas at his bookstore in Worcester, and by the booksellers in town and country
Microform на английский язык - Thomas and Andrews's second edition. With many corrections and improvements, by the author.
1792, Printed at Hartford, by Hudson and Goodwin Microform на английский язык - The third Connecticut edition. 1787, Printed and sold by Young and M'Culloch, the corner of Chesnut and Second-Streets Microform на английский язык - The third edition, revised and amended. 1787, Printed and sold by Young and M'Culloch, the corner of Chesnut and Second-Streets. Microform на английский язык - The third edition, revised and amended1787, Printed and sold by Hudson and Goodwin, (with the privilege of copy-right for the New-England states.)
Electronic resource на английский язык - The fourth edition, revised and amended Нет в библиотеке 1786, Printed by Hudson and Goodwin, with the privilege of copy-right. Microform на английский язык - The second edition 1785, Printed by Barlow & Babcock, for the author, M,DCC,LXXV. With the privilege of copy-right. Microform на английский язык 1785, Printed by Hudson and Goodwin . на английский язык - The second edition. 1785, Printed by Barlow & Babcock, for the author, M,DCC,LXXV. With the privilege of copy-right Microform на английский язык 1785, Printed by Hudson & Goodwin. Microform на английский язык - The fourth edition 1785, Printed by Barlow & Babcock, M,DCC,LXXXV. Under protection of the statue. Microform на английский язык 1784, Printed by Hudson & Goodwin, for the author, M,DCC,LXXXIV. Under protection of the statute. Microform на английский язык 1784, Printed by Hudson & Goodwin, M,DCC,LXXXIV. With the privilege of copy-right. Microform на английский язык - The third edition, corrected and improved 1783, Printed by Hudson & Goodwin, for the author. Microform на английский языкParentheses substituted for square brackets in imprint transcription
Date of publication suggested by Skeel
Trumbull, J.H. Connecticut (suppl.), 2769
Skeel, E.E.F. Webster, 409
Microform version available in the Readex Early American Imprints series
Electronic text and image data. [Chester, Vt. : Readex, a division of Newsbank, Inc., 2002-2004. Includes files in TIFF, GIF and PDF formats with inclusion of keyword searchable text. (Early American imprints. First series ; no. 20866)