Exclusively owned or private. For example: Kings Dominion Amusement Park employs personnel for their security needs. Kings Dominion is a proprietary business and their security employees are "in-house" proprietary security personnel. Additionally, "loss prevention" or "assets protection" for stores such as Kmart or Target are individuals employed by the company and therefore are not required to be registered with DCJS.
Can I be armed?Yes for certain registration categories. Armed security officers and Armored Car Personnel are required to have a firearm endorsement on their registration. Private Investigators, Personal Protection Specialists, Security/Detector Canine Handlers, Alarm Respondents must have a firearm endorsement only if they will have access to a firearm in the performance of their duties.
In order to be armed, you must submit the firearms endorsement application with fee, complete required firearms training, fulfill all other requirements and be eligible to carry a firearm. Certain criminal convictions and other barriers such as individuals currently under protective orders could make an applicant ineligible for a firearm endorsement.
If I take training or renew early will I "lose time" on my expiration date?No. Expiration dates are based on the date of initial issuance of the credential. You can complete training at any time within 24 months prior to expiration, this training once reported by the school will remain on file with the Department and upon receipt of a renewal application, the registration will be renewed for 2 years from your current expiration date . We encourage you to take training early so your renewal will proceed without delays.
If I Fed-Ex my application will it be processed quickly?Although it will arrive at our offices more quickly, it will still be processed in the usual fashion. The advantage may be that it is received faster than through the regular postal service.
What paperwork needs to be submitted when completing training?The training school will submit the roster to us. Remember that entry-level training is good for 12 months and and initial application must be submitted within that 12 month period for you to receive credit. In-service training must be completed within the 24 months of the active registration in receive training credit for renewal. Firearms requalification must be completed within the previous 90 days of the expiration of the firearms endorsement. The school will also provide you with a training completion form. This form is for your records and should not be sent to the Department. The Department will only accept training submitted by the training school on an official roster.
How long after I submit the application will it take before I receive my registration?It depends on several factors. If all training requirements have been satisfied and the fingerprints submitted are deemed classifiable, a temporary letter may be issued while awaiting the results of a state and national criminal history search.
I was denied a registration. When can I reapply?If your denial was based upon a criminal conviction, you will be provided additional information in regard to reapplication options. Depending on the criminal conviction and time of occurrence, individuals may qualify for a waiver if 5 years has passed with no additional criminal convictions for misdemeanors. Certain felony convictions may qualify for a waiver if a minimum of 10 to 20 years has passed since the last date of conviction. This information will be provided in your denial notification.
Can a registered person work for more than one employer?That is up to an individual company's policy and is not regulated by DCJS. However, most employers prohibit such actions citing conflict of interest. You should check with your employer's policy.
What if I have a change of address?Written notification of any physical/mailing address change, email address or phone number shall be in writing and received by DCJS no later than 10 days after the effective date of the change. To ensure proper documentation, complete an Individual Address Form and submit the the Department.
What is proprietary or "in-house"?Exclusively owned or private. For example: Kings Dominion Amusement Park employs personnel for their security needs. Kings Dominion is a proprietary business and their security employees are "in-house" proprietary security personnel. Additionally, "loss prevention" or "assets protection" for stores such as Kmart or Target are individuals employed by the company and therefore are not required to be registered with DCJS.
How can I find out if a business is licensed?Visit our website for a searchable database of current licensed businesses.
How can I find a certified training school?Visit our website for a searchable database of training schools.
What is "official documentation"?Some private security credentials require the submittal of official documentation for the purpose of eligibility. This refers to personnel records; DD214; copies of business licenses indicating ownership; law enforcement transcripts; certificates of training completion; a signed letter provided directly by a current/previous employer detailing dates of employment and job duties; college transcripts; letters of commendation; private security services registrations; certifications, and/or licenses from other states; and/or other employment, training, or experience verification documents. A resume is not considered official documentation.
How can I avoid paying the additional category fee?There is no additional charge for adding or dropping categories on your renewal application at time of renewal.
Can I add categories to my current registration?Yes. You must submit the Additional Registration Category Application on-line at http://www.dcjs.virginia.gov/ online, pay the appropriate fee, and complete all required training. This will NOT change the expiration date of your current registration. For example: if your registration expires in four months and you recently completed training for a new category and submit the application, your new category will expire on the same day as your current registration card, or four months from now.
Can I be registered in more than one category?You may apply for registration in as many categories as you wish provided you have completed the necessary training for each category. Your application cannot be processed until all training requirements for each category checked have been completed.
How long do individuals have to submit an initial application to the department after completion of entry-level training?
For training to be credited, an application must be submitted within 12 months of the completion date.
When must in-service training be completed?In-service training should be completed within the 24 month period of the active registration credential. Training must be completed prior to the expiration date. For individuals with armed registrations, the firearm endorsement requalification requirements must be completed within 90 days of the expiration of the firearm endorsement expiration, this is an annual requirement.
When should renewals be received by DCJS?Renewals should be received at least 30 days prior to expiration.
How long is a registration valid?Registrations are valid for 24 months for all registered categories except Special Conservator of the Peace. A Special Conservator of the Peace registration is valid for 12 months.
What are the most common reasons that DCJS will deny a registration, license, or certification?Yes, provided a renewal application is received and in-service training is completed, if applicable, within 60 days after expiration along with a reinstatement fee that is 50% above and beyond the renewal fee. After 60 days, the applicant must meet all initial requirements: to include submission of fingerprints, initial applications and completion of entry-level training.
I am within my 90 days to receive training, but I am changing employers. Do I have another 90 days to be trained?
No, you must complete your training within that first 90 consecutive days. Once you reach that 90th consecutive day, you must cease working in a regulated capacity until your training has been completed.
An individual who fails to complete the required training with a previous employer may be allowed another 90 consecutive days provided the individual did not fail to "timely" complete the required training with other previous employers. The decision as to whether the individual may have another 90 days should be made after consulting with DCJS.
I am changing employers. Should I send in a new registration application? Do I need to be fingerprinted again?
You are not required to submit an application for registration just because you change employment. The registration is issued to the individual and not the employer.
If I fax my application in will it be processed quicker?No. DCJS cannot accept faxed applications. In order for applications to be processed, they must be filled out completely and correctly and submitted with proper payment and official documentation, if applicable.
Do I have to be trained before I can work?It depends. A central station dispatcher, electronic security sales representative, electronic security technician, electronic security technician's assistant, unarmed alarm respondent, locksmith and unarmed security officer can work for 90 consecutive days while completing the compulsory minimum training requirements, provided their fingerprints were submitted on or before their date of hire and their employer provides them with a 90 day authorization document. This document along with a photo ID must be carried on duty while performing regulated services until a temporary or permanent registration is issued.
Armed Security Officers, Armed Alarm Respondent, Private Investigators, Personal Protection Specialist, Security and Detector Canine Handlers, and Armored Car Personnel must have completed all required training and have a current registration in order to work in a registered category.
Do I have to have a registration before I can work?It depends. A central station dispatcher, electronic security sales representative, electronic security technician, electronic security technician's assistant, unarmed alarm respondent, locksmith and unarmed security officer can work for 90 consecutive days while completing the compulsory minimum training requirements, provided their fingerprints were submitted on or before their date of hire and their employer provides them with a 90 day authorization document. This document along with a photo ID must be carried on duty while performing regulated services until a temporary or permanent registration is issued.
Armed Security Officers, Armed Alarm Respondent, Private Investigators, Personal Protection Specialist, Security and Detector Canine Handlers, and Armored Car Personnel must have a current registration in order to work in a registered category.