Biology Majors: Study Abroad

See study-abroad information and advice specifically for Biology and Biological Sciences majors at UC San Diego.

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At UC San Diego, there are many different ways to go abroad. Look through all your program options to choose the best one for you and your academic & career goals.

Study Abroad in Biology Webinar

Tune in to hear advisors explain how UC San Diego Biology majors can study abroad.

Where have Biology students earned major credit on uceap?

University of Melbourne - University of Queensland - University of Sydney - Pontifical Catholic University of Chile - Beijing Normal University - Monteverde Institute - University of Copenhagen - University of Bordeaux - Free University of Berlin - University of Hong Kong - University College Cork - Osaka University - Tohoku University - Yonsei University - University College, Maastricht - University College, Utrecht - University of Auckland - University of Otago - Victoria University of Wellington - National University of Singapore - University of Cape Town - Lund University - National Taiwan University - King's College London - University College London - University of Cambridge, Pembroke College - University of East Anglia - University of Kent - University of London, Queen Mary - University of London, Royal Holloway - University of Manchester - University of Edinburgh - University of Glasgow