Our Vision

Youth Workers Australia raises the profile of qualified youth workers through collaboration, advocacy and celebration.

Youth Work is valued and recognised as a highly skilled distinct professional discipline that is underpinned by human rights and social justice.

Become a member

Youth Workers Australia is open to all qualified Youth Workers as well as students. Those without formal qualifications, but with extensive youth work experience are also eligible to apply.

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Check out just a selection of information about Youth Workers Australia. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

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What is the Definition of Youth Work?

The Australian Youth Affairs Coalition (AYAC) defines youth work as:

“Youth work is a practice that places young people and their interests first.

Youth work is a relational practice, where the youth worker operates alongside the young person in their context.

Youth work is an empowering practice that advocates for and facilitates a young person's independence, participation in society, connectedness and realisation of their rights.”