Permanent resident photos

Image described below

The photographer may use a stamp or handwrite this information. Stick-on labels are unacceptable.

For digital photos, this information can be provided in one separate document including a confirmation from the photo studio (i.e. receipt).

Additional details for digital photos:

The photograph must be:

The photographer may use a stamp or handwrite this information. Stick-on labels are unacceptable.

Extra details

Child photos

Your application will be rejected if your photos do not meet these specifications.

Medical considerations


If you are in a wheelchair, we recommend that a plain white blanket placed over the wheelchair behind the applicant's head so that your facial features and the edges of your face are clearly visible.

Headwear or nasal cannula:

When required for medical reasons, you can wear headwear or a nasal cannula in your permanent resident photo – as long as your eyes remain clearly visible. We recommend that you include a signed explanation with your application. We may request that you submit a letter from your doctor.

Acceptable permanent resident photos

These photos do not represent the actual size of a permanent resident photo.

Example of a photo - uniform lighting

Example of a photo - height of face correct

Height of face correct

Example of a photo - correct child pose

Correct child pose

Unacceptable permanent resident photos

Here are a few unacceptable permanent resident photos so you know what to look for before you submit your application.

Example of a photo - no contrast

Example of a photo - shadow behing ears

Shadow behind ears

Example of a photo - hands in picture

Hands in picture

Example of a photo - reflection on glasses

Reflection on glasses

Example of a photo - Face not square to camera

Face not square to camera

Example of a photo - facial features not clearly visible

Facial features not clearly visible

Example of a photo - mouth open

Example of a photo - smiling

Example of a photo - tinted eye glasses cannot be worn

Tinted eye glasses cannot be worn