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Here are my latest Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition Character Sheets. They are all available here for free for you to download and use for your next adventure. They can all be printed blank and filled out with a pencil, or you can fill in the forms on your computer and most of the calculations will be done for you. Below the file download area you will find box-by-box instructions on filling these out.
Download a sheet by clicking on the underlined word.
Character Sheets: For each class there is a 4 page character sheet : Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Class Feature Sheets: These are separate class feature sheets each of which contains one page for each sub-class for each of the classes in the Player’s Handbook. The information on these sheets is intended as a reminder of the major effects of each of the features. As such, the feature descriptions are abbreviated. Please refer to the Player’s Handbook for the full descriptions. One abbreviation I should explain – When it says (1/rest), that indicates that it can be used one time between a long or short rest. (1/long rest) is one per long rest. : Barbarian , Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Simple Character Sheet: This is a 2 page character sheet if you don’t need the class information : download it HERE
Multi-class Character Sheet (without Artificer): This has 4 general pages plus an additional 13 pages – one for each clas s : download it HERE
Multi-class Character Sheet (with Artificer) :This has 4 general pages plus an additional 13 pages – one for each class: download it HERE
Update #1: 2/4/2020 Revised Druid Character Sheets
Note regarding subclasses: I have tried hard not to include subclass calculations on any of the class sheets. The reason for this is so that they can be used with subclasses that are not in the Player’s Handbook. As a result of this, I have had to make a change to the Druid sheet. On the Druid Sheet, Wild Shape Max CR is no longer Auto-Filled because it varies with the Druid Circle (also called a subclass). They were also calculating the number of Cantrips wrong so I fixed that, and you can also now add a bonus Cantrip to your number of cantrips (for Circle of the Land Druids). A big thank you to Chris for pointing out these problems.
Update #2: 2/13/2020 Revised Fighter Character Sheets
The fighter character sheet was not adding the Proficiency Bonus to the Battlemaster’s Maneuver DC. I revised both the Fighter sheet and the Multiclass Sheet. Thanks Chris .
Update #3: 5/18/2020 Revised Barbarian and Monk Character Sheets
The monk character sheet wasn’t adding the monks wisdom modifier to the unarmored AC. The barbarian’s sheet wasn’t always calculating the unarmored AC correctly. The multclass character sheet wasn’t handling unarmored AC properly for barbarian or monk characters. These should all be working now.
Update #4: 10/1/2020 Revised Paladin Character Sheets
Corrected Spelling error [modifier is typed as madifier]. Thank you Peadee Games for pointing this out.
Update #5: 10/3/2022 Added the Artificer to the Multiclass Character sheet.
Update #6: 5/2/2023: On the Multiclass Character Sheets – Fixed the AC not displaying on page 1 when “no armor” is selected on page 2.
These instructions are for use with the character sheets you can download above. You can print a blank Character Sheet and fill it out by hand using these instructions. If you fill it out on your computer, the boxes that will be filled in for you are shown in red . Information specific to the Multiclass Character Sheet is shown in blue .
Player: This is you
Campaign: This is the name of the campaign. Ask the DM.
Character Creation Date: The date that you create this character. [Believe me, years from now, when you find this sheet among your old D&D stuff, you will want to know this.]
Current XP: Your character starts off at first level and with 0 experience points. You will be earning experience points as you adventure. Your DM will tell you how many experience points your character earned at the end of each different adventure, and occasionally more often. You can keep a running total here.
Next Level Goal : This is how many experience points you need to advance to the next level. Refer to the table in the PHB. You need 300 points to advance from first level to second level.
Character Name: This is he name you give to your character. If you can’t think of a name ask the DM for advice. Enter the name you put here in the same box on all of the other sheets.
#____ : Character sheet version. If you make multiple copies of your character sheet enter the version number here. For example, if you print a new copy of your character sheet each time you advance to the next level you may want to put the number 1 here for the first time you print it and change that to a 2 before you print it the next time. Enter the number you put here in the same spot on all of the other sheets.
Race: Enter your character’s race here. The Player’s Handbook (PHB) contains information for all of the standard races; Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, Human, Dragonborn, Gnome, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, and Tiefling. Check with the DM first, he may not have all these races in his campaign world, or he may allow races from other sources.
Class: Each class has its own character sheet. This will be filled in based on the class character sheet you are using; Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Warlock or Wizard. If using the Multiclass Character Sheet go to page 4 to enter your class information. Then come back and enter the combined class/level information here.
Alignment: Your character can be any alignment you choose but your DM may not allow evil aligned player characters. The possible alignments are: Lawful good (LG), Neutral good (NG), Chaotic good (CG), Lawful neutral (LN), Neutral (N), Chaotic neutral (CN), Lawful evil (LE), Neutral evil (NE), and Chaotic evil (CE).
Level: This is your character’s current level. You typically start out at level 1. A character’s level can never exceed 20. If filling this out on your computer, many of the fields on the sheet will be filled in when you enter a number here. If using the Multiclass Character Sheet you will enter this information on page 4. For multi-class characters, the number in this box is the total of all levels in all of your classes.
Size: This depends on your character’s race. Gnomes and Halflings are small (S), all other standard races are medium (M).
Base Speed: This is the number of feet you can move in one combat round. Dwarf 25 (not reduced by wearing heavy armor), Elf 30, Wood Elf 35, Halfling 25, Human 30, Dragonborn 30, Gnome 25, Half-elf 30, Half-Orc 30, Tiefling 30.
Adjustment to Speed: Enter any adjustments that need to be made to your base speed into the grey shaded area inside the boot. For instance if your character is wearing heavy armor, and his strength score is less than the minimum listed for that armor, his speed is adjusted by -10. Add this number to your base speed to determine your adjusted speed.
Adjusted Speed: This is your base speed modified by any adjustments you may have entered into the boot.
Initiative Modifier: When you roll for your character’s initiative at the beginning of combat, you add this to your initiative roll. Unless you have some feature or ability that affects this, your initiative modifier is the same as your Dexterity modifier.
Initiative adjustment: If some feature of the game grants your character a bonus to his initiative modifier (for example the “alert” feat gives you a +5 bonus to initiative) you can enter a number on the grey shaded area to the left of the word “Dex” below the initiative box. Add this number to your initiative modifier.
Ability Score: Using a method approve by your DM, determine your character’s ability scores, modify them according to your character’s race and enter the scores in the corresponding boxes. STR for Strength, DEX for Dexterity, CON for Constitution, INT for Intelligence, WIS for Wisdom, Cha for Charisma.
Ability Modifier : For each ability, the modifier is determined by subtracting 10 from the ability score and then dividing the result by 2 (rounding down). Or you can simply look it up on the table in the PHB.
Saving Throws : This is the saving throw modifier for each ability. It is the same as the ability modifier, unless your character is proficient in that ability’s saving throw. This is typically a proficiency you get because of your race.
Saving Throw Proficiency Box: If you are proficient with an ability, check the small box to the left of that abilities saving throw. Add your proficiency bonus (see below) to the ability modifier to get your saving throw modifier.
Saving Throw ad hoc modifier: Enter a number on the grey shaded area to the left of a saving throw proficiency box. Add this number to your saving throw for that ability.
Armor Class: Use the Armor Class (AC) Calculations box on page 2 to determine your armor class. Enter the total armor class from your armor, shield and protective items in the shield.
Hit Point Maximum: This box is where you list your maximum hit points. At first level this will be the highest roll of your hit dice (see below) plus your Constitution modifier.
Current Hit Points: As your character takes damage, he loses hit points. You can use this box to track the damage.
Temporary Hit Points: Some magic spells or other game effects can grant your character what are called “temporary hit points.” You can list these here and track their loss. You lose these before you lose regular hit points. You lose any remaining temporary hit points after finishing a long rest.
Hit Dice Total: At first level your character has 1 hit die. The hit die type depends on your character’s class; Barbarian d12, Bard d8, Cleric d8, Druid d8, Fighter d10, Monk d8, Paladin d10, Ranger d10, Rogue d8, Sorcerer d6, Warlock d8, Wizard d6. Enter the correct hit die type in the box. The multiclass character sheet has a separate box for each die type.
Available Hit Dice: You receive one hit die each time you advance a level. At the end of a short rest, you can roll one or more of these hit die and, for each die rolled, recover the indicated number of hit points plus your character’s Constitution modifier. You can use this space to keep track of the number of hit die you have left to use for healing. After a long rest, you regain a number of hit die equal to half your total number of them, or a minimum of one hit die.
Death Saves: When you start your turn with 0 hit points you make a death saving throw. You must roll 1d20 and on a roll of 10 or higher you succeed, otherwise you fail. On your third success you become stable, on your third failure you die. A role of 1 counts as two failures. A roll of 20 means that you are no longer dying and you regain 1 hit point. You can use this space to track your progress.
Advantages: List any conditions where you get advantage. For example if you are a dwarf, you have advantage on saving throws against poison.
Disadvantages: List any where you have a disadvantage. For example if your character is small (size S) then you have disadvantage when using heavy weapons.
Passive Perception: This is your Perception Skill bonus modifier +10.
Passive Perception adjustment: If some feature of the game grants you a bonus to your passive (wisdom) perception modifier (for example the “observant” feat gives you a +5 bonus) you can enter that on the grey shaded area to the left of the word “Wis” to the left of the box and enter a number. Then add this number to your passive perception score.
Initiative: When the DM says to “Roll for initiative.” you will roll 1d20 and add your dexterity modifier. This will be your initiative score for this round and determines what order you will act during a combat round. You can enter your initiative score in this area for your reference.
Inspiration: Place a check in this box when you get inspiration. Remove the check when you use it. You either have inspiration or you don’t. Your DM can award your character inspiration, typically for good (or entertaining) roll playing. If you have inspiration, you can spend it to get advantage on any attack roll, saving throw, or ability check. You can give up your inspiration to another character if you think he deserves is.
Proficiency: List your proficiency bonus here. It starts out as +2 at first level and increases as you advance in level.
Exhaustion: You can use this area to keep track of your character’s level of exhaustion. Your DM will tell you when your character is susceptible to a level of exhaustion.
Skills : Your character will have proficiency in certain skills. For each skill you are proficient in, place a check in the box by that skill. Add your proficiency bonus to the associated ability modifier to determine the bonus you apply to these skill checks. When you attempt to perform a skill that you are not proficient in, it becomes a simple ability check, so enter the ability modifier for that skill’s ability.
x2: There are some class features with double proficiency bonus on some skills, for example, the Knowledge Domain Cleric and Rogue’s Expertise. For each skill that your character has a double proficiency for, put a check in the little [x2] box to the right of that skill name. Double your proficiency bonus and add that to the associated ability modifier.
1/2: A second level Bard gets the “Jack of all Trades” feature. This adds half your proficiency bonus, rounded down, to ability checks you are not proficient in. If your character has this feature, for each skill that your character is not proficient in, put a check in the little [1/2] box to the right of that skill name. Divide your proficiency bonus by 2 (round down) and add that to the associated ability modifier.
Skill adjustment: If some feature of the game grants you a bonus to a skill (for example a luckstone grants you a +1 bonus to skill checks) you can enter a number on the grey shaded area to the left of the ability listed to the left of the box. Add this number to the associated ability modifier.
Saves: List any ability or other saves (such as poison for example) where your character would receive a proficiency bonus to his saving throw.
Tools: If your character is proficient in the use of any types of tools, list them here.
Weapons: List the type of weapons your character is proficient with. If you attack with a weapon that you lack proficiency with, you can’t add your proficiency bonus to damage or to attack rolls.
Armor: List the type of armor your character is proficient with. If you wear armor that you lack proficiency with, you have disadvantage on any ability check, saving throw, or attack roll that involves Strength or Dexterity, and you can’t cast spells.
Other: This is a catch-all for anything that your character has proficiency in that doesn’t fit into any of the other categories.
There is room to list up to 5 different weapons.
Weapon: On the line to the right of the word “WEAPON” enter the weapon’s type or name. The calculated fields for this weapon will remain blank until you enter some text on this line .
Description: This line is available for you to add additional information about the weapon if you want. For example, you may want to indicate if it is a Light weapon, or list other weapon properties, or what it looks like, or a name.
Reach or Range: Melee weapons have a reach of 5 ft. unless they have the “reach” property and then it becomes 10 ft. Weapons that can be thrown and all ranged weapons have a normal and maximum range.
Damage Type: This will normally be bludgeoning (B), Piercing (P), or slashing (S)
Proficiency check box: If you have proficiency with this weapon. Check this small box.
Proficiency: If you have proficiency with this weapon enter your proficiency bonus in the large box.
Ability modifier to use: Between the words “Proficiency” and “MAGIC” write the name of the ability modifier to use with this weapon. You can click on the down arrow here and select the ability from the drop down list. Most melee weapons use your Strength modifier (STR), and most range weapons use your Dexterity modifier (DEX). If it is a melee weapon with the Finesse property, you can choose to use your Dexterity modifier. If it is a range weapon with the Thrown property, you can choose to use your Strength modifier. Enter the ability modifier for the ability you select into the box directly below in the attack bonus row.
Ability modifier check box: To indicate that you will be using the ability modifier for both attack rolls and for damage put a check in the check box between them. If you are fighting with two weapons, and this is your second light weapon, you don’t get an ability bonus to damage with this weapon so remove the check between the attack and damage boxes and do not enter the ability modifier for damage. If the box is checked, enter the ability modifier into the box on the damage row.
Magic: If the weapon receives a magic adjustment, enter this in both the attack and damage rows.
Misc. Enter any additional bonuses (or penalties) to attack and/or damage.
Attack Bonus : Add up all the attack adjustments and enter the total here. You will add this bonus to your attack rolls.
Damage Dice: Enter the number and type of die to roll for damage. For weapons with the Versatile property, also ether the damage if the weapon is used two handed. For instance, for a Longsword you could enter 1d8 (1d10).
Damage : Add up all the damage adjustments. You can enter the die number and type followed by the damage adjustment (something like 3d8+4 for example).
Ammo: For weapons that use ammunition, you can use these boxes to check off your ammunition as it is used. If you take the time after a battle, you can normally recover half of your expended ammunition.
The section on the lower right of the first sheet is for any notes you may want to add to help you remember details about your character. There may not be enough room here to describe all of his special abilities in detail, but you could list them here and keep the details on page 3, or look them up in the Players Handbook, until you have used them enough to remember how they work. For example, for a first level Dwarf Fighter you might note that he has Darkvision, Dwarven Resilience, Dueling, and Second Wind.
You may want to use separate cards to keep track of information that won’t fit on this sheet. You can use cards available HERE.
If you are filling this out on your computer, there are two non-printing boxes at the bottom of page one.
Update Calculations: All of the information filled in automatically for you should update whenever you make any change. Sometimes it doesn’t. You can press this button to force the form to update all of the calculated fields.
Clear: Be careful to not press this unless you want to erase everything from all of the fields on all pages. If you press it by accident, you may be able to recover the lost information if you press CTRL Z. This button is useful for clearing all fields and starting over, or before printing a blank form to fill out by hand.
The first page contains everything you may need to reference during combat. The second page contains information about your character’s personality, his physical description, his background and his equipment. The sheet version and character name are duplicated from page 1.
ARMOR: If your character normally wears armor, list the type of armor here. There are 3 short lines you can use for additional description. Weight: You can enter the weight of your armor here. Put an X in the small box if you do not want to include this weight in “Total Weight Carried” box below the “Other Equipment” box.
SHIELD: If your character normally uses a shield you can list the type here. There are 2 short lines you can use for additional description. You might want to list if it is wood or metal. Weight: You can enter the weight of your shield here. All standard shields weigh 6 lb. Put an X in the small box if you do not want to include this weight in “Total Weight Carried” box below the “Other Equipment” box.
ARMOR CLASS (AC) Calculations
The information in this box is used to calculate your armor class. It is divided into two sections. Each option is in a separate row. Put a check in the circle in the upper section for the type of armor you are wearing and check the circle in the lower section if you are using a shield. Refer to the table on page 145 in the Player’s Handbook for information regarding specific armor types. After filling out these boxes, add together the AC for your armor, the AC bonus from your shield and the AC bonus from any Protective Items. Enter that total on page 1 in the shield labeled “Armor Class”
No Armor: Check this row if your character is not wearing armor. Enter your dexterity modifier in the box labeled DEX. If your character is a Barbarian, also enter your constitution modifier in the box labeled CON. If your character is a Monk, also enter your wisdom modifier in the box labeled WIS. Enter any magical or miscellaneous bonus in the appropriate box . Add the contents of each of these boxes and enter that in the box labeled AC.
Light Armor: Check this row if your character is wearing light armor. Enter your dexterity modifier in the box labeled DEX. Enter the armor class from the table in the PHB. Enter any magical or miscellaneous bonus in the appropriate box . Add the contents of each of these boxes and enter that in the box labeled AC.
Medium Armor: Check this row if your character is wearing medium armor. Enter your dexterity modifier, up to a maximum of +2, in the box labeled DEX. Enter the armor class from the table in the PHB. Enter any magical or miscellaneous bonus in the appropriate box . Add the contents of each of these boxes and enter that in the box labeled AC
Heavy Armor: Check this row if your character is wearing heavy armor. Enter the armor class from the table in the PHB. Enter any magical or miscellaneous bonus in the appropriate box . Add the contents of each of these boxes and enter that in the box labeled AC.
Shield: Check this row if your character is welding a shield. All shields add +2 to your armor class. Enter any magical or miscellaneous bonus in the appropriate box . Add the contents of each of these boxes and enter that in the box labeled AC.
Protective Items: This is where you can enter up to 2 items your character has, other than armor or a shield, that provides a bonus to you armor class. AC Bonus: Enter the AC bonus this item provides here. Add this to your total AC on page 1. Weight: You can enter the weight of the protective item here. Put an X in the small box if you do not want to include this weight in “Total Weight Carried” box below the “Other Equipment” box.
Other Equipment: For tracking items that your character owns. ITEM: Enter the name of the item in the box on the left. For longer names, you may need to abbreviate. WT.: Enter the weight of the item in the top portion of this box. Put an X in the small box if you do not want to include this weight in “Total Weight Carried”. For multiple items you can enter the number of items after the “X” and the total weight for all of these items after the “=” . Coin Purse: Enter the weight of all of your coins here. To calculate the weight add up the total coins you have (not their value, just the number of coins). 50 coins weigh 1 pound.
Carrying Capacity : This is your Strength score X 15. If some feature of the game provided you with double your normal carrying capacity check the small box labeled “X2” and multiply your Strength score by 30.
Push, Dag, or Lift : This is twice your Carrying Capacity.
Total Weight Carried : Simply add up the weight of everything listed above that isn’t marked to not be counted.
Lifestyle: Your downtime, between adventures, lifestyle can be Wretched, Squalid, Poor, Modest, Comfortable, Wealthy, or Aristocratic. If everyone in the party wants to stay together between adventures they should all have the same lifestyle.
Expenses/day: This depends on your lifestyle. Refer to the PHB page 157.
This area is for keeping track of your character’s monetary and magical possessions. You can track the number of Copper Pieces (CP), Silver Pieces (SP), Electrum Pieces (EP), Gold pieces (GP) and Platinum Pieces (PP). [More information on coins in the post HERE .]
There is a space for Jewels & Gems [More information on gems in the post HERE ], Magic items, and Other items.
Magic Item: There are 3 boxes for tracking magic items. Enter the name of the magic item in the space above the box and enter its description in the box. The text will shrink and additional lines will be added as you type. There is a box to check if you are attuned to the item. You can only be attuned to 3 magic items.
Age, Height, Weight, Eyes, Hair, Skin: Use the description of your character’s race in the Player’s Handbook as a guide. Gender, Handedness: your choice. There is no game advantage or penalty regardless of your choice. Physical Description: List distinguishing features- scars, tattoos, etc. The text will shrink and additional lines will be added as you type.
Draw a picture of your character in the frame. If you are using Adobe Reader, you can click on the image area and it will pop-up a “Select Icon” menu. You can use this to browse your computer for an image to place in this area. There are many good character sketches available on-line. The image must be in PDF file format. There are free utilities available that you can use to convert image files into PDF format. You may find A character schetch that you like HERE .
Languages: List the languages your character knows in this box. Unless you choose otherwise, your character can read and write any language that he can speak.
The rest of page 2: This is rather straight forward. All of this information is useful in role playing your character. You may want to glance over this whenever you are trying to decide what your character would do in a particular situation. As you enter text into the larger boxes, if you continue to type after you reach the end of a line the text will become smaller and additional lines will be added.
Character Background and/or Notes Overflow
This page is for you to use to tell the story of your character. Where he or she came from and why they are here. It can also be used to keep more detailed descriptions of your character’s feats and abilities that don’t fit on the other sheets.
Class Specific Information
Single Class Character Sheet: This page is different for each class. There is a place to enter your sub-class and most of the information regarding your class that changes as you advance in level. It will calculate Spell Slots, Cantrips Known, Spells Prepared, Spell Save DC, Spell Attack Modifier and other things for each class. It makes no assumptions regarding subclass features so you can use it for subclasses that are not found in official books. It does not provide room for spell descriptions. These are best handled with spell cards, or in some cases a printed spell book (refer to my posts HERE and HERE .) There should however be enough room for more than just the spell name. What I would do is enter a symbol to indicate if the spell is (C) concentration, (R) ritual, or sometimes (T) casting time. There is also room to indicate which book the spell is found in if it isn’t from the PHB. For the Cleric and some others, when you get to higher levels there may not be enough room to list all available spells, but there should be enough room to list all of the spells you might want to use.
Multiclass Character Sheet: Enter the level for each class and select its subclass. Enter these classes along with their level and the total character level on page 1. Mulitclass Spellcasting: Use the instructions on this page to determine your available spell slots.
Additional Class Sheets: The Multiclass Character Sheet contains 12 additional pages. There is one for each class. They are identical in most ways to page 4 of the single class sheets. They use the information on the multiclass page 4 for the class level. Classes that have the “spellcasing” feature do not have a “Spell Slots and Castings” box. You will use the one on your page 4 instead.
The main thing to remember is that the character sheet is yours . Use it in any way that makes sense to you. You can write outside the boxes, use circles and arrows, scribble in the margins, or use it in any way that you choose. Also, you don’t have to completely fill out every box before you start playing. If you never decide on your character’s eye color, it won’t effect the game. [ As a DM, I do strongly recommend that you give your character a name before your second gaming session. I have played too many times with one or more “no name” characters. This can be a distraction .]
Here are a couple of tips:
First, use pencil instead of ink. Many things can happen during an adventure that can cause things to change so keep an eraser handy.
Second, if you can cast spells, you might want to use one or more weapon boxes on page 1 for quick reference to your favorite offensive spells. Look at the image at the top of this page for an example.
Third, if you choose to use the Multiclass Character Sheet I recommend you start by using a Single Class Character Sheet until you add a second class. You can export the form data from the single class sheet and import it into the multiclass sheet. Also, if you print the Multiclass Character Sheet, there is no need to print pages for the classes that you are not using.
Now that you have filled out your Character sheet, let the game begin!