Free Refund & Return Policy Generator

Generate a refund and return policy for FREE for your ecommerce
site, SaaS, or online store.

Trusted by over 1,000,000 businesses worldwide

“It [Termly] does a great job of walking you through step by step and providing questions to guide you through the process and make sure you don't miss anything.”

Ryan View review

“I appreciated how quickly I was able to reach customer support. The person was very helpful in getting me the information I needed to present internally so I could sign us up for Termly!”

Sandra View review

“Termly is an amazing service and easy to use and update as business grows.”

Daria View review

Refund and Return Policy Generator Features

“Easy to use and made loading policies on the new eCommerce site quick, easy, and put my mind at ease.”

Lee View Review

Made for Your Business

Our return policy generator tailors each policy specifically to your platform, no matter the size, type, or location of the business you operate.


Don’t sacrifice your store’s brand — our suite of customization options allows you to match the look and feel of your refund policy to your business.

Easy to Add

Giving customers a comprehensive policy on exchanges, returns, and refunds is as easy as pasting a link on your site.

The Best Return & Refund Policy Generator

“It [Termly] does a great job of walking you through step by step and providing questions to guide you through the process and make sure you don't miss anything.”

Ryan View Review

Having a comprehensive refund and return policy for your ecommerce store will help build confidence with your customers and increase conversions. – Leila, Privacy Compliance Specialist @ Termly

About Our Return Policy Generator

Whether you operate an ecommerce store, online marketplace business, or SaaS site, our refund policy generator will create a comprehensive, easy-to-understand return policy that details all the necessary clauses, including:

Create a Return Policy for any Platform in any State

Regardless of your business size, type, platform, or location, our generator is built to satisfy your customers, your business needs, and state-by-state trade laws. Answer a few questions to generate a return and refund policy for your:

Create a Free Refund & Return Policy

Our talented engineers took the time to build a generator that creates comprehensive return and refund policies for any type of ecommerce business. – Jona, Senior Product Manager @ Termly

Our Full Suite of Compliance Solutions

Privacy Policy Generator

Create a compliant privacy policy that outlines your data collection practices

Terms and Conditions Generator

Establish guidelines and safeguard your business with custom terms

EULA Generator

Generate a compliant and automatically updated End-user License Agreement

Disclaimer Generator

Create a legal disclaimer for FREE to protect your blog, website, or app against legal liability

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Copyright Termly 2024

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Disclaimer: Termly Inc is not a lawyer or a law firm and does not engage in the practice of law or provide legal advice or legal representation. All information, software, services, and comments provided on the site are for informational and self-help purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional legal advice. Use of this site is subject to our Terms of Use.