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Network services

The BT IP Network is a resource from which we provide a variety of services to our customers. Our objective in managing this network is to:

To achieve these goals, we encourage responsible use of our network and other ISPs' networks. Compliance with applicable laws is always a requirement.

Policy Statement

Use of the BT IP Network in a way that is contrary to our stated objective or our Acceptable Use Policy is prohibited.


This Policy applies to the BT IP Network worldwide, and to all customers of the BT IP Network.

Prohibited Uses

Examples of prohibited uses of the BT IP Network are described below. The examples are guidelines and are not intended to be exhaustive.

Illegal/Criminal Activity - The BT IP Network may not be used in connection with criminal or civil violations of laws, regulations, or other government requirements of any jurisdiction. Such violations include theft or infringement of copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, or other intellectual property; export control violations; fraud; forgery; pyramid or other prohibited business schemes; and theft, misappropriation, or unauthorised transmission or storage of funds, credit card information, personal information, or online services.

Security Violations - The BT IP Network may not be used to violate the security of a network, service, or other system. Examples of security violations include hacking, cracking into, monitoring, or using systems without authorisation; scanning ports; conducting denial of service attacks; distributing viruses or other harmful software; smurf attacks; and unauthorised alteration or destruction of web sites or other information.

Threats - The BT IP Network may not be used to transmit or store material of a threatening nature, including threats of death or physical harm, harassment, libel, and defamation.

Please note that this list is not exhaustive. BT does not routinely monitor or police content on the Internet, it's customers or any third party systems. It is the responsibility of the customers, system owners and their end-users to ensure that their use of the Internet is legal according to the criminal and civil laws of the relevant nation states.

Spam - The BT IP Network may not be used to transmit SPAM emails. Spam includes any of the following activities:

System Security



The resale of BT IP services is not permitted, unless expressly permitted in a written agreement signed by BT.


The BT IP Network may not be used to attempt an activity prohibited by this Policy - whether or not successful.

Indirect Use

A violation of this Policy by a person having only indirect access to the BT IP Network through a customer or other user will be considered a violation by the customer or other user. This will be the case whether or not the violation was with the knowledge or consent of the customer or other user. Resellers are responsible for the actions of customers to whom they directly or indirectly provide services using the BT IP Network. We will direct complaints regarding the actions of such customers to the reseller, but reserve the right to take direct action where we deem necessary.

Responses to Violations

When appropriate, we allow a defined period of notice during which violations may be addressed voluntarily. However, we reserve the right to act without notice. We do not accept the liability for actions that we take in response to violations of this Policy. The responses described in this Policy are not exclusive and we may take any other technical or legal action we deem appropriate. We may cooperate with system administrators at other ISPs or other network or computing services providers to enforce this Policy or a policy of another provider. We may involve, and will cooperate with, law enforcement if criminal activity is suspected. Violators may also be subject to civil or criminal liability under applicable law.

Incident Reporting

Complaints regarding violations of this Policy should be directed to the relevant abuse teams. BT IP network customers in the UK should direct their complaints to abuse@bt.coM. BT IP network customers in the rest of Europe should direct their complaints to abuse@eu.bt.net. Where possible, include details that would assist us in investigating and resolving the complaint (e.g. expanded headers and a copy of the offending transmission).

Contact Information

If you have questions or comments about this Policy, please refer to security@eu.bt.net.

Important Customer Information

This Policy is not by itself sufficient to prevent possible harm to persons who use the BT IP Network as a result of violations by other users. BT IP network customers and users are responsible for taking such steps as they deem necessary to protect the security, integrity, and availability of their networks, systems, services, and information. Customers and users of the BT IP network are responsible for restricting their own access to undesired content, sites, and services. BT cannot accept liability for harm that results from violations of this Policy by other users of the network, even when we aware of those violations. This Policy supplements, but does not supersede, the contracts between BT and its customers; if such a contract restricts a use of the BT IP Network that is not addressed in this Policy, the contract will govern with respect to such use. A violation of this Policy by a BT customer is a material breach of the customer's contract with BT and may result in termination or other consequences as specified in the contract. Refunds or credits are not issued in connection with actions taken for violations of this Policy.

Revisions to this Policy

We may revise this Policy at any time, effective when posted to our public web site. Notice of revisions may also be provided via email, fax, or regular mail.

Last Revision: 19 December 2017